Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow much fun, except when your under the weather!

Well, what have we been up too the last few weeks...
Getting ready for Christmas that's what!
The girls put together their mini gingerbread houses that Grandma gave them!
Jingle, our elf has been busy too!
She had been on strike, getting her baby fix and even caught a cold:(
 She also likes to leave her messes, just like the kids:)
 Cambree is always so sweet!  She constantly leaves me notes and messages on my pillow, and below in our mommy and me journal.  How can you not love to get messages like this...
She had crazy hair day at school and this is as crazy as she would get!
 Izzy spends lots of time under the tree and sneaking drinks from the tree!
 Makyah had her first dance competition in Menomonie at the Holiday Classic, where she performed high kick, and pom! 
Her team took first in both dances in their age division!
 Here they are waiting for the winners to be announced!
 Her team is amazing this year, and they all were so excited to place 1st!
Cousin Paisley came to watch too!
This weekend we had to Christmas parties to attend.  On Friday Cal and I went to the Lions Christmas party, and on Saturday I hosted my work party.  
Then it hit...the flu, for me that is, I think it is the first time I have thrown up in 7 years! 
 It was not fun at all and I was down for the count during our wonderful first snowstorm.  The girls left me alone and played outside all day.
On Monday they even were so lucky as to have a SNOW DAY!
 I was feeling a bit better and stepped outside to witness their winter fun!
I think Christmas can come now that it looks like it!

Well that is about it, we are tying up ends on the home improvements and will take some final pictures soon!  Here's to enjoying the next few Christmas weeks!
Christmas cards should be coming soon!
Have a great week!
♥The Lokkens♥

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