Monday, December 17, 2012

Almost 10:(

Yes, It is that time of year, when we are busier than ever...birthdays, sings, Christmas preparations!
So the pictures will do most of the talking this week:)
Izzy has been playing of course, and destroying more toys!
 Cambree has been working so hard at school, and since her class does a blog everyday, I get to peek in and see exactly what!  This day they were decorating for the holidays!
 Jingle had been up to fun and mischief...
Having pizza and reading, The Night Before Christmas"!
 Making snowman in the freezer!

 Hanging with the girls!
 Making Christmas pictures on the mirror!
 My niece Paisley, had her Christmas sing, and it was so fun to watch.
She played a kangaroo and sang, "Roo Roo the Red Nosed Kanga"!
 Makyah had her friend Birthday at Cherry Berry... yes she is almost 10 and she likes it, but I do not!
We had subs...
 ate frozen yogurt of course,
 and opened presents and more!
 It was a fun time. 
 Here they are being nice...
 and here they are being silly!
 On Sunday we had a small family lunch to celebrate again!
Even Jingle was ready!
 Cousins eating!
 Opening gifts, and....
 Eating a giant cookie cake and ice cream!
 Also making wishes!
May all of them come true my sweet Makyah Grace!
 Cambree lost another front tooth, so she really does want her two front teeth for Christmas!
 Makyah sleeping on her new futon in her room!
 We ended the perfect weekend with a drive though Irvine Park!
On Monday Cal and I had the day off so we went to Sam Davey to have a Pre -Birthday lunch!

Well this girl can stop getting older at any time!
We love you Makyah Grace!
Have a great week!
♥The Lokkens♥

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