Monday, November 26, 2012

Just Plain Thankful!

 Well it looks like these posts are coming once a month instead of weekly, but at least they are coming. 
 November has come and almost gone.  The beginning of the month Cambree was invited to a sleepover birthday at the Metropolis, in the party room.  The room had tons of bunk beds, games, lounging areas and more.  She was so excited and had lots of fun!
 That same night we celebrated Jill and Stuarts one year anniversary at their wedding dance.
Makyah hung out with Paisley and they had some chocolate mustaches, and
 danced the night away!
 The next day we celebrated cousin Payton's 3rd Birthday in Woodbury!
Happy Birthday Payton!
I thought the next picture was interesting.  3 cousin, not playing together but all on electronic devices...well it is 2012!
 One Saturday this month the girls and Cal went to the Quarbergs and made lefsa!


On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I promised the girls I would take them to see a movie.  Even though we were super busy trying to finish the house, I took time out and we saw, "Wreck it Ralph"!  It was soooo good and definitely worth the break!
 Yes we spent most of the long Thanksgiving weekend working on the house, well at least some of us were working.  Check the remodel page for more pictures!
 Thanksgiving day we spent lunch with the Berg family, and supper with the Barstad/Lokken family.
 The girls opened their special ornaments from John and Carolyn
 We got to hang with Uncle Lukie, who moved home this month!
 Izzy had a busy day at both houses, and had her fair share of turkey, so... she napped:)
While we were away for Thanksgiving we had a special surprise waiting at home.  Santa sent an Elf to spy on us.  Cambree had been wondereing it Santa had spies, and I guess it is true, because he sent one with a note and a special story. 
 The girls read the book over and over and even again to Dad. 
They were so excited to meet her.  They named her, "Jingle".
Cambree was so giddy with excitement, but a little scared too, so she bunked with Makyah on the top bunk for a few nights!
The next morning we found Jingle downstairs playing  Wii on top of the curtain rod.
The next day she drew mustaches on our picture.
We also caught her with Cambree's Woody doll but we forgot to take a picture;(
Today we found her hanging upside down from the fan!
 It has been so much fun finding her everyday, and Cambree can not stop talking about it.  She was really sad she could not touch her and take her outside to play.  Santa said if we touch her, her magic will go away and we all decide it was not worth it:)
The day we had a small amount of snow, the girls did not waist time, they bundled up and went out to play.
Yes, just a reminder, we are moving along on the remodel, visit the remodel tab for more pics!
 We usually get our tree the Friday after Thanksgiving, but since our living area was covered in plastic, we had to wait until Sunday.  We promised the girls it would go up, and we followed through!  We went out to Pleasant Valley, and this year instead of tall and skinny tree, we looked for short and fat:)
 We found the perfect tree and had time for our usual, hot chocolate and popcorn!
When we got home, Dad managed to quickly hang up the lights, and...
we set up the tree and decorated!
Izzy's ornament went on first!
The girls and I made a few ornaments over the weekend to hang!
Here are Cambree's master pieces!
The final product...what can I say, I am so lucky and just plain thankful!
Until next week (I hope)!
♥The Lokkens♥

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