Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December Twenty Thirteen

I think the last time we blogged it was Thanksgiving...a lot has happened since then. 
The pictures are a bit out of order, but you will get the gist!
Thanksgiving we spent with, first the Bergs and then the Lokkens!
Of course Carolyn spoiled us with  lot of fun new ornaments.

 Makyah photo bombed may of my pictures:)
Here is the Lokken guys (and little girls)...a few of them even might be smiling!
 We spent the next day picking out our tree and decorating for Christmas.
This is how tall we have grown this year!
Having hot chocolate and popcorn.
 Makyah had a fun dance sleepover where they made team shirts!
They also had LOTS of fun...the hosting mother is a saint!
 Jingle arrived again this year and kept us entertained...
here she is Miley Cyrus!
 Dreaming about Summer!
 We took some time to go sledding with all the snow!
Jingle cheered on Makyah before her dance performance.
 Makyah had 2 dance competitions so far.
Her team is amazing, and so is she.
 They have had 5 First place trophies and 1 Second Place.
Go DK Silver!
 Gram Marian took a little fall in the snow and ice and managed to break her pelvis;(
She is recovering nicely with some TLC.

 Jingle being an angel.
 And freaking us out at breakfast.
My baby girl turned 11.  I can't believe how fast time has gone.  She is truly a gift from god and very special. 
 Jingle left her a morning birthday message.
Perfect I every way! 
 I went to school on her birthday and had lunch...she still hugged and kissed me in front of her friends...I hope that never ends!
 More Jingle Fun!
 Hanging over the stairs.
 Building cup pyramids.
 Our annual Christmas Card!
One of my favorite things to do is design them.
Makyah celebrated her Birthday with a friend sleep over. 
 And the next day with family!
Here are the littles...
and the big cousins!
 What would the fox say?  I think Jingle knows!
 Other toys got a little jealous when she arrived!
 But many of them accepted her with....well stickers!
 More snow fun...is it spring yet?
Well that sums up the last month!  It has been exciting and bittersweet!
More from the Lokkens after Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Stay Tuned!
♥The Lokkens♥

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