Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter / Spring Break

What's new with the Lokken's...well...
Spring Break with snow meant confusion, especially for Cams.  One day she headed out to play in PJ's, winter gear, a backpack, and yes a Rudolph nose!
This girl is as crazy as mother nature!
 The Monday of Spring Break the girls and I decided to make Izzy a look out bench.  The only window she has to look out is right next to the door and stairs, so we found some scrap wood, sawed and drilled to make her a bench where she could sit and dream about Spring. She hopped up right away and spent most of the day there!
On Friday I let the girls decide what they wanted to do, and of course they wanted to bum around the mall.  We picked up cousin Paisley and even stopped by Mr. E. Bunny to say hello.
 The girls picked out a special treat from Claire's, and of course what did Cams pick...a digital mustache pair of shades!  When I said I wanted to take a picture, she gave me her classic, Cams pose.
 Izzy finally is looking like herself again.  Her hair has grown out a bit and she is as cute as ever!
The weekend after Easter, Makyah had a Birthday sleepover and they even got to go to the Mall of America.  She was so excited!  Happy Birthday Chloe!
 They stayed over night and even had malts in the hot tub!
 Easter morning, E. Bunny left special foot print notes and clues !
 The first clue led them to their baskets. 
Cambree's was down in the storage room.
 Makyah's was in moms closet!
 Makyah got some a few small treats,
 and so did Cams!
 Makyah's big treat was an electric scooter, too bad she will have to wait for all the snow to melt before she gets to use it!
 Cambree's big treat was a fish tank, supplies and a memory foam topper for her bed, which she has been begging for! 
 You know this girl she loves her PJ's and she loves laying in bed!
 Izzy followed her footprints too, and got a new toy!
 After church we went to G&G Berg's for an Easter egg hunt indoors! 
The girls even got to look for the glowing eggs in the dark downstairs! 
 What was in the of course. 
Here is the whole crew counting their findings!
 It was a great Easter with family!
 Easter evening we played with new toys, like teenage mutant ninja turtle cars,
 and La Ti Da dolls!
 Cambree set up her fish tank with her 3 new fish...unfortunately the yellow fish, Buddy that you see here died a few days later.  We had lots of tears and a burial flush at the toilet!
Good news is the pink and blue fish are doing well, living under the sea, with Sponge Bob!
 Makyah got into her new PJ's and of course did her nails!
 Easter night Cambree also got sick and spent the day at home on Monday.  We however got to witness 2 Eagles eating a very large fish down on the ice by the river. 
 Cambree was sad for the fish, so we talked about the circle of life:)
 The first Sunday in April was Kid's Expo! 
Makyah performed her 3 dances for Danz Kraze, and I got to work at the FRC booth.
 Makyah hung around while I worked at the booth, and with her own money, went over to do a caricature!  She was so excited, and could not wait to hang it in her room! 
She's a beauty alright!
 Meanwhile, Dad and Cams finished the puzzle we all started Saturday night!
 This past week the girls and I played a little clue!
 I mean what else is there to do when it snow's everyday???
 This weekend the girls and I scrap booked.
 It was Cambree's first time, and she did great!
 It was fun to spend time with the girls!
 Izzy continues to hang out on her perch, see loves the sunshine, and unfortunately is still dreaming about Spring...I sure hope it comes soon!
That's what we've been up to!
Check back soon!
 ♥The Lokkens♥

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