Sunday, March 17, 2013

LUCKY for...

How LUCKY, this week we had a lot of SNOW and not a lot of pictures!
Lucky for you, we have a few...
It was bring a friend to dance class on Monday, and yes I forgot to take a picture of Makyah and her friend Bailey, but Cambree also danced!  She accompanied her friend Bella to dance, and although she said she still doesn't want to join, she had lots of fun!
  Cambree also attended a Birthday Party Sleep-Over for her friend Grace.  I missed her the whole time she was of mine no more:( 
Makyah also had her friend Jayme over, while Cal and I cleaned out the storage area downstairs, ok, so I did all the cleaning, and he made a computer drawing of the remodel. 
 (How did I know that was going to happen, when we made the  cleaning plan!)
 Speaking of dance and grown up...Makyah got her yearly dance pictures! 
 Oh my... she looks so grown up...I don't think I like this getting older thing!
She is so beautiful, and lucky to look just like her dad! 
 Every weekend we have piano where did the other one go?
 Reading in bed with her lantern, I am so lucky these two girls love to read!
 Cambree got a "splash" award again at school and she didn't even tell me...I found it in her backpack! 
So Proud!
 This little girl is also getting big...and sassy! 
Still love this cuddler!
Well that is all the pictures I have of the week!  It is St Patrick's Day, and I was thinking of how LUCKY I am to be living this life! 
So in honor of LUCK, these are the  things that prove that I have my very own GOLD!
*Makyah Grace - Sweet, kind, caring and smart.  I love her giddy laugh, especially when she is tired!
*Cambree Faye - Funny, caring, smart and special.  I love that she is not your average girl, but a pajama wearing home body!
*Caleb - After 21 years together, I love him more each day...and he is still hot! 
*Izzy - A  snugly whiner, who is always happy to see me!
 *My parents, siblings and in laws - without them, I could not do it!
 *My job and great family!
 *My house...small with a great view!
*Friends... to keep me sane and having fun!
*Health - So lucky that my family is healthy! 
 *Vacations - we may not have lots of money, but we have have lots of memorable family fun!
Well, I am sure Spring is right around the corner...could we be so LUCKY!
Have a great week!
♥The Lokkens♥

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