Monday, October 8, 2012

Falling Back Into Place!

So our posts have been far and few lately but rest assured they are packed with pictures.  I finally got a tab at the top of the blog so you can keep up with the remodel pics, since that is all we do lately.  However in the past few weeks we have...
Welcomed the new baby of good friends Steve and Amie!
Welcome Kennedy, we love you!
 Girls day...we went for a movie and brought cousin Paisley. 
 We saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and all of us enjoyed it!
 We went to a North Football game while the weather was still nice.  The team got smashed, but we had fun taking pictures of each other! 
Too bad some of us were moving around so much:)
 Well better luck next time North!
The girls got there class pictures back already.  I snapped a copy with my cell phone so they are not the best quality but...
Here is Cambree in 2nd Grade...
and Makyah in 4th grade!
Cambree watched a new version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and when I came back from the store she had been in my fabric and made herself a costume!
 I spent the the entire last week in Milwaukee for a training, and although it was very hard to be away from my family, I got to have dinner with good friends in Kenosha.
Heather♥♥♥ and
 Marquette, Bradly and Jensyn♥♥♥
 While I was gone, my family was out on the town having fun and celebrating uncle Craig's Birthday at Pizza Del Rae.
 Cambree had stuffed animal day at school and of course brought Knuffle Bunny!
 The girls make me so proud everyday and they both have already "Made a Splash" at school and have been recognized by their teachers! I hope they are this well behaved in another 5 years;|
 Cambree also got 6 golden tickets in two weeks.  A golden ticket is when you have been caught doing something kind, responsible or are being a good friend!  I am starting to think she is the only one in her class that is doing what she is suppose to;)
 This past weekend the girls started planning their cupcake business they want to start. This involved having "thinking coffee" (hot chocolate)!  Makyah is having strictly cupcakes,
Cambree's business is called, "Cakes and Bakes".
I sure hope all their creativity brings in some cash soon:)
 They also made some Halloween crafts and put out the decorations!
 Makyah had a play date on Saturday and Cams actually let me take her shopping and have some "girl time", which is rare with her.  Lets just say we came home with a shoulder buddy and a furry, rainbow scarf with claw gloves on the end!  Thanks Justice, she wore it all over the mall!
 Whatever the case, I enjoyed the day with her!
 On Sunday night after a day of rebuilding the porch, we had a mini bon-fire to burn the scraps.
 During all the fun, in the dark, Cambree had a great idea to build a bench for her stuffed animals out of scrap wood!  Her dad obliged and helped her out!  What a great daddy!
Well that is just the tip of what we have been up to!  Don't forget to check our the remodel page for more fun and so you can understand why I might be crabby living through it! 
All in all, I finally think we are falling back into place and moving towards the final goal...I hope!
Have a great week!
♥The Lokkens♥

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