Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August in a Flash!

What have we been up to in August?

We went to a Express game.
 Finally could have a bonfire since it cooled down a bit.
 Had a sleepover with the Berg kids!

 Helped a good friend celebrate turning 40! 

 I got to spend time with her daughters Jensyn & Marquette, who I love dearly!
 Uncle Luke was home, and we celebrated both his and Uncle Seth's birthday!
 (Seth was sleeping on the couch during this picture and would not get up to be in it!)
 We had another Thrift Sale! 
We are starting some remodeling projects and realized we had to much junk...so we through out in the garage to sell.  The girls sold pop and freezies and were a BIG help!
 We attended Cal's cousins wedding celebration at their house and Cambree LOVED the rats!
 We went to Cal's work picnic and got to swim at Wakanda pool in Menomonie.
 I can't believe I have a 4th grader and...
 a second grader!
 Going off the diving board...

 and down the slide!

 Last but not least, we helped deliver 6 of the 60 balloons to a great family friend who turned 60.  We love her and she is definitely more of family than a friend!  Happy Birthday Londa!
Now that is what August has brought so far...bet you can't wait to see more.
Not long before school starts!
Stay tuned!
♥The Lokkens♥

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