Monday, July 16, 2012

Slow Down My Baby!

I can't believe my baby is 7 years was just last year when we made a pact, that she was allowed to turn 6 but only if she didn't turn 7:)  How fast it goes, and how big she has become. 

 Birthday morning, Makyah and I wrapped a small gift to give to her because we had already celebrated.
 It seamed to do the trick and make the day special.
That night we went to the Northern WI State Fair, to celebrate.  The girls rode a lot of spinning rides, and...Makyah got really sick after only 3 rides.  So, i took her armband and put myself through the misery, so Cams could have a special Birthday!

 When we got home we realized we never took a picture with a cake this year, so we got out the ice cream, a candle, sang happy birthday and blew out a candle...perfect!
 Make a wish baby girl...I hope it is to stay forever young!
Happy 7th Birthday Cambree Faye, you are special in every way!
We ♥ you!
♥ Mom, Dad, Makyah and Izzy♥

Until next week...
♥The Lokkens♥

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