Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer...bring it!

Summer weather brings less time indoors which = less computer time, which = late blogs:)
Here is a catch up on what we have been up to...
My cousins son, Eric graduated from Altoona High School!
Good Luck Eric!

Cal's cousins daughter, Ali graduated from Memorial High this is not her but her younger sister Carsyn!  Congrats Ali!
We finally got flowers planted on the deck for staining:(

Cambree went to her good friend Bella's 7th Birthday party!
Happy Birthday Bella!

Our good friends, Kelly & Jerry Gallagher just had their 4th baby...
Greenly Harper!
Welcome little one, you are so precious and small!

I celebrated my 29th...I mean 39th Birthday. (Well I still feel 29;)

The girls had their last day of school.  Makyah is now a 4th grader and Cambree a 2nd grader...where does time go. 
They also got their report cards with marks of all 3's and 4's.  I feel so lucky to have such smart and respectful girls!  Cambree even got 14 outstandings!  I am so proud to have such an amazing girl that all the teachers would like to have as their own!  Makyah did awesome as well and she told me she was the happiest girl in the world, because she passed her timed multiplication test before the end of the year!  She continues to be miss popular and I can see why as she is so sweet and kind to others! Both girls got 4's in Art, Phy-ed and Music!  I think we have this creative arts thing under control:)  Cambree also got a 4 in Social Studies...and no she did not get that love of school from me;)

I surprised the girls with a "Welcome to Summer" banner that they could run through when they got home! 
 Summer here they come!

Summer was quickly set into motion, as we got our boat working...finally. 
 It may not be pretty but we have already enjoyed going out everyday!

The girls love to tube!

We have been to the island several times and the girls LOVE it!

How lucky am I to have these 3 cuties!

Sisters even getting along!

On Saturday the girls and Paisley rode in the Cinder City Days Parade and threw out candy from the Seymour Lion's trailer. 
They had so much fun, and Paisley stayed overnight for a sleepover!
They love their cousin Paisley!
Well that sums up the fist part of Summer.  We can't wait to have more fun!
Stay Tuned!
♥ The Lokkens♥

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