Monday, May 28, 2012

The land of the free!

Well, we weathered the storm...or the wind on Thursday evening.  It happened so quickly we didn't even have time to get scared.  I shut a window, told the girls it wouldn't hurt to go down stairs and by the time I got there...2 huge trees were on the deck.  I never even heard it...and then it was over.
A tall pine tree of the neighbors broke and hit one our trees on the way down, and then they landed on the deck.  We were lucky as we only lost a about 4 sections of railing.

The neighbors tree...
 our tree...

 and the upper deck.

 The street around the corner flooded so the girls ran through it.

 Riverview park, however did not fair as well, as it seemed like half the trees were uprooted or broke in half.  The park hardly has any tree left on the shoreline.
  The looks of the park will be forever changed!

 Well with the storm, we lost power!  It was fun at first, but we did not get it back for 24 hours.  This meant buying lots of new groceries!
When the power was down, we put together a puzzle with flashlights!

 Candles too!

On Friday afternoon, after Cal and I and the neighbor spent the day cutting up trees, Paisley came over to play.  We had lots of watermelon!

 Friday night we took the girls to the drive in to see, " The Lorax".  It was a great movie and we were nice and cozy in the back of the van.

 Stuart and Jill had theIR baby on Tuesday...Madeline Mary Ann was 8'4 and 22" long!
Congrats and welcome baby Maddy!

Memorial Day we went downtown for the annual parade. 
Here is the crew waiting for the show!

The girls ran for candy...

and marched along with the band!

Mom...don't watch!

Family Picture!

Cambree wanted to stop and kiss the frog in hopes of a prince:)

We swam all weekend to cool off, and the river was refreshing!

Monday night I found Cams in the driveway with all her toys.

Izzy had a busy weekend too! 

It was a great week
Happy Memorial Day...Thanks to all who fight so we can be free!
Until next week!
♥The Lokkens♥

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