Monday, February 27, 2012


So I have slacked a bit with the blog, but here it is.  Sometimes I do not think of it until 9:00 on Sunday night and I am too tired:)
Last week was LOVE week... 
 The girls and I made a special Valentine supper for dad and set the table and were waiting when he got home.  I also got to share lunch with Makyah on Monday and Cambree on Tuesday at school.  We had a candle light lunch cafeteria style. 
Valentines Day also brought treats, like new PJ's that Cambree loves to smell when she opens! 
Yeah it's Cams, what do you expect?!
 Friends, Jill and Stuart are having a baby, so last Saturday Makyah & I went to celebrate at Jill's shower.
 Monday was Presidents Day and the girls and Cal had the day off, so we drove over to the Mall of America for the day.
 The girls were excited to ride a few rides...
 like the Brian Surge...

 the Roller Coaster...

 and the Atomic Collider.

 It was a fun but quick trip.
Stuffed treats...what else!
 Izzy liked Cambree's King Pig too!
 And apparently she is a true Lokken, as I found her doing this later in the night.
 This past Saturday as Makyah and I were leaving for her last dance competition, we saw an eagle across the river eating something on the ice.  Good thing that Izzy's was inside because it looked like it's prey was bigger than her!  The picture is not very good, but Cal thinks the eagle was so big, that it may have been an Golden Eagle!
Cambree was sad, and said she doesn't want to see anything die....yep she is a Lokken too!
 Makyah had her last dance competition in West Allis on Sunday, so we went early on Saturday and spent the night.  It was lots of fun to see her perform as always, and I had my new camera with, so I went a little camera happy.  I mean how beautiful is this girl...we are so blessed. 
She danced awesome as always and already said, she can't wait until next year! 
Here is her Hip Hop...

 and her Pom routine!

 Hanging with the team...

 and the whole Danze Kraze group!
 Of course it is so special for me to spend this time with her while she still wants me around...I hope it never ends!
I ♥ you Makyah Grace!

Well that sums up the last few weeks.  Cambree spent the weekend with Cal hanging out with Izzy and curling.  I am trying to upload a video from Cal's phone of her curling, as she is getting pretty good at it.  Hopefully it will be up by next week!
Check back soon, and have a good one!
♥The Lokkens

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