Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of January!

We started off the week with a day off!  I promised the girls I would take them to a movie on Monday since there was no school.  We  went to see, "We Bought A Zoo", and Cams finally got to bring a friend a long. We had fun, even if Cams slept for a portion of the movie.  Thanks for coming with us Bella.
Everyday when the girls go out to wait for the bus, Izzy likes to watch them through the window.  Then when the bus pulls away she cries at the door:(

The girls have tried to make due with what little snow we have had.  That means sliding down a really small hill in the front yard!

 Sunday we went down Boyd park for some ice skating.  The girls had fun, and I must say it is a workout for the legs:)

 Just looking at the next picture, I can't believe how close in size the girls have gotten.  No wonder we are constantly asked if they are twins.
 In the past week we have been a little under the weather with colds and coughs.  Thanks to aunt Carolyn for the extra help, we appreciate it!

Well that ends the week, can you believe it is almost February???  Before we know it we will be enjoying 80 degree weather...right?!  I can't wait! 
Until next week...have a good one!
♥The Lokkens♥

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