Sunday, January 8, 2012

Catch up on...Birthdays, Christmas, New Years & Dance!

Yes we are a little behind on our posts, but finally here is a quick catch up...

Christmas was very special for the Lokken's this year.  On Christmas Eve while we were at church, Santa dropped off an early present he could not take with him on his sleigh...
her name is , "Izzy".
She is a white Maltese that fits in great with our family. 
 Cambree could not stop saying, "this is the best present ever"  all night.

 The rest of the evening we celebrated with Cal's side of the family and of course got to open some great presents!
 Matching PJ's!
 On Christmas morning we woke up to new surprises, that started with a note from Santa and stockings!

 After presents, we were all tuckered out and needed a quick nap while watching the Christmas parade on TV.

 In the afternoon we went over to G & G Berg's for more Christmas celebrations with my side of the family.
(That meant more presents:)
It was a great day and we feel very blessed for what we have, what we got and family to share it with!

 On Wednesday we celebrated Makyah's Birthday with her friends at Chaos Water Park! 
 9 girls + swimming + presents + ice cream = a tired mom!

Happy 9th Birthday Baby Girl, we ♥ you!
 On Thursday Makyah performed dance at the UWEC holiday classic half time.
 So did cousin Paisley!

Fun to watch as always!
 On Saturday we celebrated Miss Paisley's 4th Birthday (Christmas is her real B-day).
The theme ...of course!
 Happy Birthday Paisley, we ♥ you!
 Saturday night we had a few friends over to celebrate the New Year...of course the kids had the most fun!
Happy 2012! 
 This past weekend (Jan.7th)  Makyah had her 2nd Dance Competition in Freedom WI.
We traveled Friday and spend the night in a hotel with a friends and had a fun day watching dance on Saturday!
Makyah's team took a 4th and 5th place.  The competition was much harder but the girls did great!

 Pom Routine
 Hip Hop Routine
 It was a fun weekend with friends and great to have some girl time with Makyah!
 Cams stayed home with dad and went to a movie with Paisley!  Just what she preferred!
Of course she had lots of snugly time with Izzy too!

Well that about catches up up.  We are looking forward to a great year in 2012!
Check in again next week, where we promise to be back on track!
♥ The Lokkens ♥

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