Sunday, December 4, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

A busy work once again, and an even busier one ahead, so I will keep this short and sweet...the pictures are worth 1,000 words!
Cal started his new job a few weeks ago...and it has been a rough start.  Although he took the job mainly to work no nights, or weekend, that has not been the case so far.  He has been working 12 hours/6 days a week. We miss him at night and I have had to start cooking again:(  I have realized that I could be a single mom...but I definitely would not want to be! 
He did spend extra time with the girl at night...I think he misses us too!
 Friday was a Holiday Make and Take at work, so the girls tagged along since school was out!
 On Saturday Makyah had her very first dance competition in Menomonie.  It was an all day event, so Cams stayed home and hung out with Grandma.  (They had lots of fun shopping, baking and sitting in the hot tub.)
 Makyah's team performed only once and did their pom routine.  It was great and Makyah had great showmanship!  She is getting way too big!
 Brook, Paisley and Aunt Carolyn came over to watch!

 Makyah's team took 3rd place!  Go Danze Kraze!
We both loved every bit of it!

 On the way home it started to snow, and Sunday we got the most beautiful day ever!
After walking around outside, I realized how hard it would be to move away from this view!
 The kids could not get enough of the snow and went out to play 4 different times!

 A car stopped to take a few pictures of the river, and yelled wow you guys truly live in a winter wonderland.  Today...yes we do!
 Mini Snow Girl!

 Making snow wishes...
 and snow angels.  (On the deck table that is!)

 Wow...what a beautiful day in Wisconsin.
Have a good week!
♥ The Lokkens♥

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