Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...Let's Deck The Halls!

The end of November is here, and so is Thanksgiving.  It was a great short work week.  On Wednesday the girls and I went to the opening of The Muppet Movie. It was fun to have some GIRL time!
 On Thanksgiving day, we started the morning by watching the parade, and then we headed over to G & G Berg's for lunch and the Packer game.
The girls and Cal also hit the hot tub!
 For dinner, we ate again, with Carolyn, John, Grandpa Dick and Seth.  The girls opened their annual Christmas ornaments. We ended the night with a family game of trivial pursuit!
We are thankful for each other, it was a great Thanksgiving with family!

 On Friday instead of shopping we went out to Pleasant Valley to get the tree and see the Mr & Mrs!
 We checked to see how tall we had got this year...

 found the perfect tree...
 and played on the play set!
 We didn't forget the hot chocolate and popcorn before we left!

 When we got home, we let the tree stand as long as the girls would let us...then we decorated!

 (With great form, of course.)
 The final product! 
The outside lights are finally on too!
Let the Christmas fun begin!
Hope you had as much fun as we did!
Happy Thanksgiving!
♥ The Lokkens

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