Sunday, April 20, 2014

Yep finally an update...Jan 2014 - Easter 2014!

You know how you put something off, and then pretty soon it is so far gone that you feel overwhelmed so you keep putting it off?  Ok, so maybe I am the only one that does this, but that is why this blog has not been updated since Christmas! 
 However, I finally decided to be a big girl and just take care of it.  So here is a dreadfully long update... but the good news is, in order to catch up quickly I will be brief with my words.  I am making a promise to myself right now, to never let it go like this again;)

After Christmas we watched cousin Paisley and Makyah perform at the Bluegold tournament.
Here is Paisley...
 and here is Makyah. 
 Makyah was invited to her first "New Years Eve" away from home.  She apparently had fun, she sent me this picture:)
We went to Cal's Christmas party for work and stayed in the hotel with the kids.

We celebrated Paisley's 6th Birthday with the gang.

 Happy 6th Birthday Paisley!
 In February we also celebrated Hudson and Madden's Birthday!
 Happy 4th Birthday Boys!
 In this dreadfully long winter, we played outside....a lot in the snow.

 Sometimes it was pretty, other times it was just plain dreadful, unless you are 8 & 11 years old!

 We played lots of board games...some people gloat when they win;)
 We went swimming at Chaos!

  We hung around trying to get warm and read!
 We had sleepovers with friends!

 We went to the Mall of America when we thought we had a vacation day from school, and it turned out we got 2 days off, thanks to more snow!
 Makyah said "goodbye" to one of her favorite dance teachers, "Katie" who went to Madagascar for the peace corp.
 We cooked with Daddy!

 I had "LOVE" lunch with the girls at school for Valentine's Day!
 We got love messages for the first 14 days of February.  Everyday the girls got up, there was a new message...something we love about them.

 Izzy got a new "Lamby" toy for valentines day, because she loved the first one to death (pink rag behind her)!
 We had fondue supper for Valentine's supper!
 We left a few in toooo long!
 Valentine treats!

 More "snow" skating!

 The girls went to a few plays with Aunt Carolyn.
 We helped a lot of friends celebrate Birthdays!

 Some of us just looked plain cute!
 More dancing...Makyah had 2 more traveling dance competitions.

 The girls got to see their art projects for the contest they entered, at the talent show on the big screen.

 Makyah helped emcee the talent show with a few friends!
 The talent show emcees.
 Art certificates!
 I helped chaperone a field trip with Makyah's class to the science museum in MN.

 Cambree got a new pet, "Bubbles" the hamster.

 We went skiing during spring break!

 Over bread, we also played a lot of Lego's and Makyah and I scrap booked old  Disney vacations.
 We watched cousin Paisley and Makyah perform at the Kids Expo.

 Grandma took the girls to a class to make fairy gardens.

 We colored Easter Eggs!

 We left carrots out for the Easter Bunny!
 The Easter Bunny came and left the girls paw print clues to .....

 Easter Treats!

 The Easter Bunny brought Cams a he crazy...she was so excited!

 Makyah's big treat was a gift card...the Easter Bunny just couldn't figure her out this year:)
 On to G & G Berg's for the Easter Egg Hunt!
 And they are off.

 Grandpa had to help a little.
 More Easter treats.
A perfect weekend!
Well that brings us up to date!  It was a LOOOOONG winter, but I think we are starting to see the light to summer. 
 Stay tuned for more Lokken fun, hopefully sooner than later.
♥The Lokkens♥

1 comment:

Sue Kishel said...

A UNICYCLE???!!!??? That is awesome.