Monday, May 7, 2012

Are you ready?

Well the week brought more softball games for Cams.  She had 2 games and did great!
She swings...
 gets on base...
 and runs home (at her own pace:)

 On Sunday morning we headed outside early to cheer on the runners that run by our house for the annual EC Marathon. 
Cams of course needed some entertainment while we waited for the first runner!
 We snuggled and cheered with our coffee and donuts.
We are always inspired by all different kinds of runners who attempt such a feat. 
If only it inspired us to try ourselves;)
 Makyah cheered from her friend Alisha's house were she was attending a sleepover birthday party.
Happy Birthday Alisha!
 We spent the remainder of the weekend finishing our markings for the thrift sale. 
I found Izzy napping in the stuffed animals that were on their way out.
Well more adventures to come this week with more softball, dance and running the thrift sale!
Are you ready? Stay Tuned!
♥The Lokkens♥

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