Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wisconsin ♥ ♥ ♥

We ♥♥♥ Wisconsin...which is not always the case. 
  I think if this is the way Winter was every year in WI, it would be the BEST place to live!  We couldn't get enough of the weather this week, and we hope there is more to come. 

We spent a lot of the last two weeks reading...well we always read but we have been motivated to do it so much more lately.  Sam Davey was having a read-a-thon and we were suppose to track all the reading minutes for star points.
  Makyah and Cambree were reading EVERYWHERE...
even at the supper table!
 Carolyn bought Makyah a new outfit from Justice this week and of course she was super excited about wearing it to school!  At least the weather allowed her to wear it right away!
 Cambree got to wear PJ's to school on Thursday for a PJ party.  Her class earned golden tickets for good deeds that got noticed by teachers.  Cams loves PJ's so she was just as excited as Makyah was to wear them to school!
 Cambree also wanted a snapshot with her sissy and of course....they are adorable!
 On Thursday night Sam Davey had a party to celebrate the end of the read-a-thon.  There was a national juggling/comedy act, cupcakes and a free book. 
We sat to watch the program with Makyah's friend Marley.
 They has so many fun things at the party.  It was a red carpet/Hollywood theme!  Of course  my girls would not go in the picture cut outs, so I took a picture with Cambree's friend Bella!
Party Poopers!
 Towards the end, Cams was not feeling well as you can see, but they both reached 500 minutes of reading so I wanted to take their picture by their names. 
 Cambree was back to herself on Friday, and they were hoping to catch leprechauns at school, so she told Carolyn she needed a St Patrick's Day t-shirt to wear...that's our Cams!
 Conntinued reading has caught on along with the weather.  The girls have been grabbing a  blanket and reading in the yard.
 Of course Izzy needs to be part of the blog, so here she is.  She has also been loving the weather and is getting very dirty outside digging in the dirt and trying to eat flower bulbs:(
 Saturday, the whole family took a LONG bike trip up to Dairy Queen and the Bergs.  It has been great to get out and get some exercise, and we all made it up the airport hill on our bikes without getting off!  ( I wanted to get off and walk, but if Makyah could keep going, I didn't want her to show me up...can't believe I made it!  Poor Cal was pulling Cams on the tag along bike...WOW.)

Sunday we went to the airport for breakfast and then picked up Paisley for the day.  The girls had lots of of the house. 
We ended the weekend with supper at G&G Bergs and got to sit outside.  It was a great week!  Looking back I can not remember a March that I got a little sun and went on a bike ride to get ice cream!  WE ♥♥♥ Wisconsin! Here's to more great weather this week, as the girls are on Spring break!
Have a good one!
♥The Lokkens♥

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